About me

Who I Am

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Human-Centered Computing at University of Florida, advised by Kristy Boyer. I earned my Master’s degree in Information Science at University of Pittsburgh, where I worked closely with Erin Walker and Amy Ogan (Carnegie Mellon University). I received my Bachelor’s degree in Management Science from Anhui University.

I am currently on the academic job market, expecting to graduate in Summer 2024. Here is my latest CV.

What I Do

My research intersects the domains of Educational Technologies, Human-Computer Interaction and Collaborative Learning. I focus on pioneering innovative technologies and methodologies to enhance AI education and to cultivate productive collaboration among young learners.

My research particularly aims to answer a key question: How can we design learning environments that foster AI learning and provide engaging learning experiences? Digital learning systems can do more than just presenting learning concepts and proper pedagogical feedback; they should be able to provide empowering and engaging experiences to learners.

You can find my research projects here.